Sardar (2022): A Thrilling Spy Story with Heartfelt Father-Son Bond
“Sardar” (2022) is a standout action-political drama from Indian cinema, directed by P. S. Mithran. The film presents an intense story of family bonds, patriotism,...
“Sardar” (2022) is a standout action-political drama from Indian cinema, directed by P. S. Mithran. The film presents an intense story of family bonds, patriotism,...
Director: Stefano Sollima Performer: Michael B. Jordan Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse (2021) is an action film adaptation of the Tom Clancy novel, starring Michael B....
Director: Michael Mann Performer: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino Heat (1995) is a masterful blend of crime drama and psychological thriller, dissecting the lives of...
In the Shadows of the 13th Century A war between humans and werewolves simmered. “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” tells the tale of a legend’s...
“Take Cover” (2024) is an action and suspense film starring Scott Adkins and Jack Parr as the two main characters, Sam and Ken. The film...
Prison Break (2005), created by Paul Scheuring, follows Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), a structural engineer. He plans to rescue his brother, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell),...
“Warrior” (2019–2023) is an American action, martial arts, and crime television series based on a concept by Bruce Lee. The show was developed by Jonathan...
“Re:Born” (2016) is a Japanese action thriller film directed by Yuji Shimomura, known for its intense martial arts sequences and brutal action scenes. The film...
Kingdom of Heaven (2005), directed by Ridley Scott, is an epic historical drama set during the Crusades of the 12th century. The film follows Balian...
The Marine 2 (2009) is the sequel to the action-packed film The Marine, drawing inspiration from classic action movies about lone heroes. Directed by Roel...
Armor (2024) is a dynamic action-thriller that follows the gripping tale of James Brody and his son Casey, who work together in the high-stakes field...
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale (2011) is an epic two-part historical drama directed by Wei Te-Sheng. The film recounts the true story of the...
“Masters of the Air” is an upcoming World War II television series. It is the third installment in the historical war drama series produced by...
Upon the Magic Roads (2021): A Tale of Friendship and Adventure (Trailer FHD) 1 “Upon the Magic Roads” (Конёк-Горбунок), directed by Oleg Pogodin, is a...
Alita: Battle Angel (2019) is a science fiction action film based on the Japanese manga Battle Angel Alita by Yukito Kishiro. The story is set...
The Division: Agent Origins (2016) là một bộ phim ngắn hành động trực tiếp lấy bối cảnh trong vũ trụ của trò chơi điện...
Operation Blood Hunt (2024) is a horror action film set in 1944, revolving around a group of task force sent to a remote island in...
Devil’s Peak (2023) is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the dark underbelly of a small mountain town, intertwining themes of family loyalty, betrayal,...
Rampage 2 (2025) là phần tiếp theo được mong đợi của bom tấn hành động đầu tiên đã đưa những con quái vật biểu tượng...
Resident Evil 8: Reboot Movie (2024) là một bộ phim khởi động lại dựa trên loạt trò chơi Resident Evil nổi tiếng, được phát triển...
“The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” là một phần ngoại truyện trong vũ trụ The Walking Dead, tập trung vào Daryl Dixon (do Norman Reedus thủ...
Terminator 7 continúa la historia de la franquicia, situada en un futuro postapocalíptico donde la inteligencia artificial, Skynet, sigue siendo una amenaza. En esta entrega,...
“𝐒𝐞𝐞” es una serie de televisión de ciencia ficción lanzada en 2019 por Apple TV+. Creada por Steven Knight, cuenta con actores destacados como Jason...