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The Little Drummer Boy (1968) is a stop-motion animated Christmas special produced by Rankin/Bass. It tells the story of Aaron, a young orphaned boy living...
The Little Drummer Boy (1968) is a stop-motion animated Christmas special produced by Rankin/Bass. It tells the story of Aaron, a young orphaned boy living...
Peter Pan (1953) is a Disney animated film based on J.M. Barrie’s classic play. The story begins in London, where three children—Wendy, John, and Michael...
Jack Frost (1979) is a stop-motion animated television special that tells the charming story of Jack Frost, a magical winter spirit who brings the cold...
“Sonic the Hedgehog 2” (2022) is a live-action/CGI animated adventure directed by Jeff Fowler. The film continues the story of Sonic, the fast-moving blue hedgehog,...
The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride (1998) is a direct-to-video sequel to The Lion King. Set after Simba becomes king, the story focuses on his...
Pocahontas (1995) is a Disney animated musical that tells a fictionalized version of the historical encounter between Pocahontas, a Native American woman, and English settler...
A Christmas Carol (2009) is a visually stunning adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic tale, directed by Robert Zemeckis and featuring Jim Carrey in a versatile...
Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005) – The Comeback of a Beloved Icon In 2005, Disney brought a cherished character back to life with Herbie: Fully Loaded,...
“Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” (1970) is a stop-motion animated Christmas television special, produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. The story is narrated by a postman...
The Grinch (2018) is an animated holiday film based on Dr. Seuss’s beloved story How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The movie follows the Grinch (voiced...
The Polar Express (2004), directed by Robert Zemeckis, is a magical holiday adventure based on the beloved children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg. The story...
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen (2022), también conocido como Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, es la adaptación del esperado arco final del manga Bleach de Tite Kubo. La...
Moana (2025) profundiza en el viaje emocional y espiritual de Moana, quien ahora, como líder de Motunui, debe proteger su hogar de una amenaza que...