𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒)
Date and Switch (2014) is a comedy film directed by Chris Nelson and written by Alan Yang. The film revolves around two high school friends,...
Date and Switch (2014) is a comedy film directed by Chris Nelson and written by Alan Yang. The film revolves around two high school friends,...
Preacher (2016–2019) is an American television series based on the comic book series of the same name created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. The...
Director: Joe Dante Producer: Steven Spielberg Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi Plot Summary Small Soldiers follows a group of action-figure toys brought to life with military-grade...
Hot Pursuit (2015) – A Comedy of Chaos and Unlikely Partnerships Overview: Hot Pursuit is a 2015 action-comedy directed by Anne Fletcher, starring Reese Witherspoon...
Trinity Is Still My Name: A Comedy-Western Gem Trinity Is Still My Name (original title: Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità) is a timeless spaghetti western that...
Free Guy (2021): A Comedy-Action Gem You Don’t Want to Miss In Free Guy (2021), directed by Shawn Levy, Ryan Reynolds delivers a spectacular performance...
Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) is a comedy film directed by Dean Parisot, starring Jim Carrey and Téa Leoni. It is a remake of...
Ghost Graduation (2012): A Blend of Comedy and the Supernatural Ghost Graduation (2012) is a delightful Spanish comedy that masterfully combines supernatural elements with heartfelt...
Yes, Madam! (1985) is a classic Hong Kong martial arts action film directed by Corey Yuen and produced by Sammo Hung. The film is known...
Cocaine Bear (2023): A Darkly Comic Tale Inspired by True Events A Movie Unlike Any Other Cocaine Bear (2023) takes audiences on a chaotic, adrenaline-fueled...
Dolittle (2020): A Whimsical Adventure for All Ages Dolittle (2020) brings the iconic story of the doctor who can talk to animals to life in...
Uncle Frank (2020) is a drama film written and directed by Alan Ball, known for his work on American Beauty and Six Feet Under. Set...
BearCity 2: The Proposal (2012) is a romantic comedy and the second film in the BearCity series, which focuses on the lives of gay men...
Taekwondo (2016) is an Argentinian drama directed by Marco Berger and Martín Farina. The film is a slow-burning exploration of male friendship, desire, and unspoken...
Secondhand Lions (2003) is a heartfelt coming-of-age drama-comedy directed by Tim McCanlies. The film is celebrated for its humor, touching moments, and strong performances, particularly...
Shallow Hal (2001) – A Comedy with a Big Heart Directed by the Farrelly Brothers, Shallow Hal (2001) combines humor and heartfelt storytelling to deliver...
Van Wilder (2002) – A Comedy That Defines College Fun Released in 2002, National Lampoon’s Van Wilder is a hilarious comedy that captures the chaos...
Swamp Shark (2011) is a made-for-TV action-horror film that aired on the Syfy Channel. Directed by Griff Furst, the film blends creature-feature thrills with campy,...
Freelance (2023) – Action, Comedy, and Chaos Freelance (2023), directed by Pierre Morel, offers a unique combination of thrilling action and laugh-out-loud comedy. Starring John...
Universal Pictures presents a thrilling new version of Tarzan (2025), starring Dwayne Johnson as the legendary king of the jungle and Megan Fox as Jane,...
“Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood” – A Bold Satire of Urban Cinema Introduction In 1996, the...
Mr. Vampire (1985) is a Hong Kong supernatural horror-comedy film directed by Ricky Lau, and it has become a beloved classic of the genre, blending...
Warriors Two (1978) is a Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Sammo Hung, who also stars in the lead role. The film is one...
The Holiday (2006) is a romantic comedy film directed by Nancy Meyers, featuring a star-studded cast including Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, and Jack...
Wheels on Meals is a Hong Kong action-comedy that masterfully combines martial arts, humor, and a fast-paced story. Directed by Sammo Hung, the film stars...
The Game Plan (2007) is a family comedy film directed by Andy Fickman, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The movie centers around a tough, bachelor...
The Inbetweeners 2 (2014) is the uproarious sequel to the 2011 hit The Inbetweeners Movie, based on the beloved British TV series. Directed by Damon...
Doctor Dolittle (1998) – A Wildly Entertaining Adventure Doctor Dolittle (1998) is a comedic gem that combines humor, heart, and a unique premise into one...
Aquamarine (2006) is a fantasy romantic comedy directed by Elizabeth Allen and based on the young adult novel by Alice Hoffman. The film stars Emma...
Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) is an action-packed martial arts film directed by Mark L. Lester. It stars Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee as two...