We’re the Millers (2013)
We’re the Millers (2013) is a fast, funny movie about a fake family on a wild road trip. David (Jason Sudeikis) is a small-time drug...
We’re the Millers (2013) is a fast, funny movie about a fake family on a wild road trip. David (Jason Sudeikis) is a small-time drug...
Like Mike (2002) is a heartwarming sports comedy directed by John Schultz, starring Lil’ Bow Wow (credited as Shad Moss), Morris Chestnut, Jonathan Lipnicki, Brenda...
Red Notice (2021), directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber, is an action-comedy starring Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot. The film follows FBI agent John...
“Mr. Nice Guy” (1997), also known by its Hong Kong title Yat Goh Ho Yan, is an action-comedy film starring Jackie Chan. The film blends...
TKKG (2019) is a German mystery-adventure film that reboots the beloved TKKG book series for a new generation. The story follows four teenagers—Tim (aka T),...
Sextuplets (2019) is a Netflix comedy directed by Michael Tiddes and starring Marlon Wayans in a standout role where he plays multiple characters. The story...
Shameless is an American TV series that aired on Showtime starting in 2011, blending dark humor with deep social issues. The story follows the Gallagher...
Home Alone (1990) is a beloved family comedy film directed by Chris Columbus and written by John Hughes. The movie follows the adventures of 8-year-old...
2 Days in Paris (2007) – A Romantic Comedy with a Twist “2 Days in Paris” is a witty, sharp, and deeply relatable romantic comedy...
That’s My Boy (2012) – A Wild and Outrageous Comedy “That’s My Boy”, directed by Sean Anders, is a bold and raunchy comedy that brings...