Trinity Is Still My Name: A Classic Comedy-Western Adventure
Trinity Is Still My Name: A Comedy-Western Gem Trinity Is Still My Name (original title: Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità) is a timeless spaghetti western that...
Trinity Is Still My Name: A Comedy-Western Gem Trinity Is Still My Name (original title: Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità) is a timeless spaghetti western that...
Blackthorn (2011) is a gripping Western film directed by Mateo Gil, starring Sam Shepard, Eduardo Noriega, and Stephen Rea. Blending historical fiction with themes of...
Gallowwalkers (2012) is a supernatural Western film directed by Andrew Goth, starring Wesley Snipes, Kevin Howarth, and Riley Smith. The film combines gritty Western action...
Dead Man’s Hand (2023) is a gripping Western film directed by Brian Skiba. Based on the graphic novel No Rest for the Wicked: Dead Man’s...
Far Haven is a gripping Western film released in September 2023, directed by Gary Wheeler. Featuring an ensemble cast led by Bailey Chase, Amanda Righetti,...
Forsaken is a Western film directed by Jon Cassar, starring Kiefer Sutherland and his father, Donald Sutherland. Set in the late 1800s, the story follows...
Directed by Walter Hill, Extreme Prejudice is an intense action thriller that combines Western and crime genres. Set along the Texas-Mexico border, the film follows...
Deadwood: The Movie is a powerful and emotional continuation of the acclaimed TV series, bringing the beloved characters of Deadwood back to the screen. Directed...
Ned Kelly (2003) is an Australian film directed by Gregor Jordan. It stars Heath Ledger as the infamous outlaw Ned Kelly, with Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey...
Directed by Ang Lee, Ride with the Devil tells the story of two young Confederate fighters during the American Civil War. Jake Roedel (Tobey Maguire)...
Blueberry (2004), also known as Renegade, is a visually striking Western with mystical and surreal elements. Directed by Jan Kounen and loosely based on the...
Jonah Hex tells the story of a scarred bounty hunter seeking revenge and redemption. Set after the Civil War, Josh Brolin stars as Jonah Hex,...
Hidalgo is an epic adventure film that blends thrilling action with a heartfelt story of endurance, courage, and self-discovery. Directed by Joe Johnston, the movie...
Of Mice and Men (1992) is a moving adaptation of John Steinbeck’s classic novel. Directed by Gary Sinise, the film explores themes of friendship, isolation,...
The Escape of Prisoner 614 (2018) is a lighthearted Western comedy directed and written by Zach Golden. With a blend of humor and adventure, the...
Lone Star (1996), directed by John Sayles, is a gripping neo-Western mystery. It explores themes of history, identity, and relationships in a small Texas border...
The Mule (2018) is a gripping drama directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. Inspired by true events, it tells a story of regret, redemption, and...
Organ Trail (2023) combines Western grit with chilling horror, delivering a tale of survival and resilience set in 1870s America. Directed by Michael Patrick Jann,...
A Story of Rodeo and Redemption My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys is a heartfelt drama about family, identity, and second chances. Directed by Stuart...
Escanyapobres (The Money Squeezer) is a Spanish historical drama set in late 19th-century Catalonia. Directed by Ibai Abad, the film adapts the classic novel L’Escanyapobres...
Guns, Girls and Gambling is a crime thriller filled with dark humor and unpredictable twists. Directed by Michael Winnick, it stars Christian Slater as John...
The Highwaymen (2019) is a gripping historical drama that reimagines the infamous Bonnie and Clyde saga from a fresh perspective. Directed by John Lee Hancock,...
Bandidas is a lively action-comedy Western that brings together two charismatic leads, Salma Hayek and Penélope Cruz, in an entertaining tale of justice, rebellion, and...
The Hero is a heartfelt drama about aging, redemption, and finding meaning in life. Directed by Brett Haley, the film tells the story of Lee...
🎬 The Night They Came Home (2024) The Night They Came Home is an exciting mix of horror and Western. Directed by Paul G. Volk,...
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada is a powerful neo-Western drama about friendship, justice, and redemption. Directed by Tommy Lee Jones, who also stars in...
The Last Manhunt is a gripping Western drama that revisits a true story from the early 1900s, exploring themes of love, betrayal, and survival. Directed...
Lucky is a touching and thoughtful film about life, mortality, and the human spirit. It follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist living in a...
In the Land of Saints & Sinners (2023) Set amidst the hauntingly beautiful landscapes of Ireland, In the Land of Saints & Sinners is a...
Territory (2024) – A Power Struggle in the World’s Largest Cattle Station Territory (2024) is an Australian drama series with six episodes, released on Netflix...