Wyatt Earp (1994)
Wyatt Earp (1994) is a Western directed by Lawrence Kasdan. Kevin Costner plays the legendary lawman, Wyatt Earp. The film follows his life, from his...
Wyatt Earp (1994) is a Western directed by Lawrence Kasdan. Kevin Costner plays the legendary lawman, Wyatt Earp. The film follows his life, from his...
Overview Seraphim Falls is a 2006 Western film directed by David Von Ancken. Starring Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson, it explores the intense, emotional pursuit...
Red River is a 1948 American Western film directed by Howard Hawks. It stars John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, and Walter Brennan. The movie tells the...
“The Dead Don’t Hurt” is a 2023 Western film directed by and starring Viggo Mortensen. This film is set in the period before and during...
“The Wild Bunch” (1969), directed by Sam Peckinpah, is a seminal Western film that explores the decline of the Old West. The story centers on...
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), directed by John Ford, is a legendary Western that explores the conflict between myth and reality. Starring John...
Bad Girls (1994), directed by Jonathan Kaplan, is a refreshing take on the Western genre. The film follows four women—Cody (Andie MacDowell), Anita (Madeleine Stowe),...
Rio Bravo (1959), directed by Howard Hawks, is a classic Western film that stands the test of time. Starring John Wayne as Sheriff John T....
“Shane” (1953): A Western Classic and a Tale of Silent Heroism Shane (1953) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers The 1953 film “Shane”, directed...
Young Guns (1988) is a Western action film that dramatizes the rise of legendary outlaw Billy the Kid and his involvement in the Lincoln County...
“Tombstone” (1993): The Defining Western That Stands the Test of Time Few films capture the spirit of the American West as powerfully as “Tombstone” (1993)....
Once Upon a Time in the West is a classic Spaghetti Western directed by Sergio Leone. Set in the American Old West, the film follows...
Tombstone is a classic Western film set in the late 1800s, centered around the legendary lawman Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and his efforts to bring...
“Once Upon a Time in the West” (1968): A Timeless Western Masterpiece by Sergio Leone Once Upon a Time in the West trailer. Light film...
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (1966) is a Spaghetti Western directed by Sergio Leone. The film follows three characters, each representing different moral...
Based on Larry McMurtry’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, Lonesome Dove is a sweeping Western miniseries that follows retired Texas Rangers Augustus “Gus” McCrae and Woodrow F....
The film follows four unlikely heroes—Emmett, Mal, Jake, and Paden—who meet by chance and join forces to take on corruption and lawlessness in the Old...
Set in the Old West, The Rifleman follows Lucas McCain, a widowed rancher in North Fork, New Mexico, raising his young son, Mark. Known for...
Bud Davis, a young Texan, moves to Houston to work in the oil industry and discovers Gilley’s, a massive honky-tonk bar. At Gilley’s, he immerses...
Tombstone (1993) is a Western film that dramatizes the legendary events surrounding the town of Tombstone, Arizona, and the infamous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral....
En Texas, 1892, seguimos la vida de John Cooper, un ex soldado que carga con los traumas de la guerra y lucha por adaptarse...