𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞 (𝐓𝐕 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟑–𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔)
Banshee (2013–2016) is an action-packed American TV series blending crime drama, action, and dark character exploration. Created by Jonathan Tropper and David Schickler, the show...
Banshee (2013–2016) is an action-packed American TV series blending crime drama, action, and dark character exploration. Created by Jonathan Tropper and David Schickler, the show...
Bully (2001) is a haunting psychological drama directed by Larry Clark, based on the true story depicted in the book “Bully: A True Story of...
Unforgotten (2015) is a British crime drama created by Chris Lang. The show follows detectives DCI Cassie Stuart (Nicola Walker) and DI Sunny Khan (Sanjeev...
Savage Salvation (2022), directed by Randall Emmett, is a crime thriller starring Jack Huston, Robert De Niro, and John Malkovich. The film centers on Shelby...
Training Day (2001), directed by Antoine Fuqua, is a gripping crime drama about corruption in law enforcement. The film stars Denzel Washington as Detective Alonzo...
Black Lotus (2023) – A Thrilling Quest for Redemption Overview: Set in Amsterdam, Black Lotus (2023) follows Matteo Donner (Rico Verhoeven), a former Special Forces...
Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) is a comedy film directed by Dean Parisot, starring Jim Carrey and Téa Leoni. It is a remake of...
Director: Soi Cheang Genre: Martial Arts, Action Setting: Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong Plot Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In is set in Kowloon Walled...
Directed by Walter Hill, Extreme Prejudice is an intense action thriller that combines Western and crime genres. Set along the Texas-Mexico border, the film follows...
Scorpion (2014–2018) is an American television series created by Nick Santora, which blends elements of drama, action, and procedural investigation. The series follows a group...
Yes, Madam! (1985) is a classic Hong Kong martial arts action film directed by Corey Yuen and produced by Sammo Hung. The film is known...
Dolores Claiborne (1995) is a psychological thriller film based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Directed by Taylor Hackford, the film...
Ned Kelly (2003) is an Australian film directed by Gregor Jordan. It stars Heath Ledger as the infamous outlaw Ned Kelly, with Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey...
Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey (2018) is a powerful and heart-wrenching television movie inspired by the true story of Lisa McVey, a teenage...
Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy (2018) is an electrifying martial arts spin-off from the Ip Man series. Directed by Yuen Woo-ping, the film focuses...
The story continues in The Beekeeper 2 (2025), an action-packed sequel to the intense and gripping The Beekeeper (2023). Jason Statham reprises his role as...
Den of Thieves (2018) is a gritty heist thriller directed by Christian Gudegast, starring Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber, O’Shea Jackson Jr., and 50 Cent. Set...
In Traitor, Don Cheadle plays Samir Horn, a former U.S. Army soldier suspected of being involved in terrorism. Horn is recruited by a jihadist group...
Tekken is a fast-paced action film based on the popular fighting game. Set in a dystopian future, it follows Jin Kazama (Jon Foo), a young...
Law & Order: SVU – A Crime Drama That Redefines Justice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU) is a critically acclaimed television series that...
The Equalizer 3: A Poignant and Thrilling Finale The Equalizer 3, directed by Antoine Fuqua, delivers a fitting conclusion to the action-thriller trilogy. Starring Denzel...
The Jackal (1997) is an action-thriller centered around a ruthless and highly skilled assassin known only as “The Jackal,” who is hired to carry out...
Fistful of Vengeance is a high-octane action-thriller that serves as a continuation of Netflix’s martial arts series Wu Assassins. Directed by Roel Reiné, the film...
Wheels on Meals is a Hong Kong action-comedy that masterfully combines martial arts, humor, and a fast-paced story. Directed by Sammo Hung, the film stars...
Scary Movie 4 (2006) Review: A Hilarious Satire of Horror and Sci-Fi Films Scary Movie 4 (2006) is the fourth installment in the popular parody...
Stars: Jason Bateman The Outsider (2020), based on Stephen King’s novel, is a gripping crime thriller that blends mystery and horror. The series begins...
Stars: Angie Harmon, Sasha Alexander Rizzoli & Isles is a compelling crime drama series that ran from 2010 to 2016, based on the novels by...
Three Days and a Life (Trois jours et une vie, 2019) is a French-Belgian drama-thriller directed by Nicolas Boukhrief, based on the novel by Pierre...
Director: Quentin Tarantino Stars: Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, and Steve Buscemi Reservoir Dogs (1992), Quentin Tarantino’s directorial debut, is a groundbreaking crime thriller...
Director: Chris Chibnall Stars: David Tennant, Olivia Colman Broadchurch (2013–2017) is a British crime drama series created by Chris Chibnall. Set in a small coastal...