🎬 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐲 (𝐓𝐕 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟖–𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒)
Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014) is a gripping crime drama about SAMCRO, an outlaw motorcycle club based in the small town of Charming, California. The show...
Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014) is a gripping crime drama about SAMCRO, an outlaw motorcycle club based in the small town of Charming, California. The show...
Gomorrah is an Italian crime drama series based on Roberto Saviano’s book, depicting the brutal world of the Naples-based Camorra mafia. The story follows Ciro...
No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers is the third installment in the No Retreat, No Surrender martial arts series. While it carries the franchise...
Standoff (2016) is a tense, contained thriller written and directed by Adam Alleca. The film is a gripping story of redemption, survival, and moral reckoning,...
True Detective is a groundbreaking anthology crime series created by Nic Pizzolatto, celebrated for its gripping storytelling, complex characters, and deep philosophical undertones. Each season...
Director: Quentin Tarantino Cast: Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, Bruce Dern The Hateful Eight (2015) is...
Director: David Mackenzie Cast: Chris Pine, Ben Foster, Jeff Bridges, Gil Birmingham Hell or High Water (2016) is a riveting modern Western that blends crime...
Director: Warwick Thornton Cast: Hamilton Morris, Sam Neill, Bryan Brown, Natassia Gorey Furber, Gibson John Sweet Country (2017) is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful...
Director: Neil Marshall Cast: Charlotte Kirk, Philip Winchester, Colm Meaney, Stephanie Beacham, Sean Pertwee Neil Marshall’s Duchess (2024) delivers a gripping tale of betrayal, power,...
Enter the Dragon (1973) is a martial arts masterpiece that redefined action cinema. Starring Bruce Lee, it blends thrilling combat, a gripping narrative, and deep...
Police Story (1985) is a classic of Hong Kong cinema, directed by and starring Jackie Chan. The film not only solidified Jackie Chan’s global reputation...
Miss Bala (2019) is an intense action thriller directed by Catherine Hardwicke, adapted from the 2011 Mexican film of the same name. Starring Gina Rodriguez...
En “Culpable Sin Culpa“, la relación entre suegra y nuera se retrata como un elemento importante de la historia. Las escenas entre estos dos personajes...
Moonflower Murders (2024) follows former book editor Susan Ryeland, now living a quiet life in Crete with her partner Andreas. Her peace is disrupted when...
Dexter (2006) is a critically acclaimed American television series based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. The series follows Dexter Morgan (Michael...
Dragon (Wu xia) is a 2011 Chinese martial arts film directed by Peter Chan, with a screenplay by Chan and Zhang Jian. The film blends...
Bodyguard (2018) is a Turkish action-thriller film directed by Gökhan Kırdar. The movie stars İsmail Hacıoğlu as a bodyguard named Süleyman, who is hired to...
Sicario (2015) is a tense and deeply insightful action-crime film directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Taylor Sheridan. The film delves into the war...
Heart of Dragon (1985) is a poignant blend of action, drama, and heartfelt emotion, directed by Sammo Hung and starring Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung...
Director: Bruce A. Evans Performer: Kevin Costner Mr. Brooks (2007) is a psychological thriller about a man who hides a dark side behind his...
Hijack (TV Series 2023–2025) is a tense thriller following Sam Nelson, a seasoned negotiator, who must step up when his flight from Dubai to London...
No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers continues the quirky tradition of the franchise. It brings a messy plot, bloody action, and laughably absurd situations....
Venganza Astuta de una Esposaes un drama psicológico sobre el inteligente viaje de venganza de Valeria, una mujer que una vez amó con todo su...
Director: Michael Mann Performer: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino Heat (1995) is a masterful blend of crime drama and psychological thriller, dissecting the lives of...
Better Call Saul (2015–2022) is a prequel to Breaking Bad, following Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk) as he transitions from a struggling lawyer to the morally...
A Man on the Inside (2024) follows Charles (Ted Danson), a retired man grieving his wife’s death. He answers a private investigator’s ad and goes...
Landman (2024), created by Taylor Sheridan, is a gripping drama set in West Texas during a modern oil boom. Inspired by the Boomtown podcast, the...
“Once Upon a Time in America” (1984) is an epic crime drama directed by Sergio Leone. The film spans several decades, telling the story of...
Cross (2024) is a gripping crime thriller based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. The series follows Alex Cross, a brilliant but haunted detective and...
The Agency (2024) is a suspenseful spy series centered on Martin, a seasoned CIA operative played by Michael Fassbender, who returns to active duty after...