🎬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞 (𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔)
“First Strike” (1996) is the fourth film in Jackie Chan’s Police Story series, blending high-stakes action with comedic elements that showcase Chan’s iconic martial arts...
“First Strike” (1996) is the fourth film in Jackie Chan’s Police Story series, blending high-stakes action with comedic elements that showcase Chan’s iconic martial arts...
The Mule (2018), directed by Clint Eastwood, is a poignant crime drama inspired by a real-life story from a New York Times article titled “The...
Miracles: The Canton Godfather (1989), also known as Mr. Canton and Lady Rose, is a Hong Kong action-comedy film directed by and starring Jackie Chan....
Shot Caller (2017) is an outstanding crime-drama film directed by Ric Roman Waugh, taking audiences on a dark journey of transformation as a man...
S.W.A.T. – Elite Special Forces In a world plagued by crime, an elite special forces team emerges to protect justice. “S.W.A.T.” is an action-packed TV...
Introduction to Elvis 2022 The 2022 film “Elvis” is a grand cinematic work directed by Baz Luhrmann, depicting the life and career of music legend...
Prison Break (2005), created by Paul Scheuring, follows Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), a structural engineer. He plans to rescue his brother, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell),...
Assassination Games (2011) is a gritty action-thriller directed by Ernie Barbarash, starring martial arts legends Jean-Claude Van Damme and Scott Adkins. The film delves into...
The 2024 TV series The Day of the Jackal is a reimagining of Frederick Forsyth’s classic 1971 novel, tailored for modern audiences. Developed by Ronan...
Reseña de La Última Carta de mi Amado La Última Carta de mi Amado es una película romántica que conecta el pasado y el presente...
“Coyote” (2021): A Bold, Gritty Drama That Explores Borders and Redemption Michael Chiklis Stars in COYOTE Coming Jan 7 to CBS All Access “Coyote”,...
Gotham is a dark and thrilling origin story of the iconic Batman universe, focusing on the city’s descent into chaos before the rise of the...
Peaky Blinders is a gripping crime drama set in post-World War I Birmingham, England. The series follows the ambitious and ruthless Shelby family, led by...
Stan Lee’s Lucky Man is an engaging British series that mixes crime drama with supernatural elements. The story follows Harry Clayton (James Nesbitt), a London...
Sorpresa para una enamorada (2014) es una película de comedia romántica mexicana, dirigida por Rafael Montero. La historia gira en torno a Nadia, una mujer...
Prison on Fire II (1991) is the sequel to the classic action film Prison on Fire (1987), continuing the story of the harsh life inside...
Safe (2012) is an action-packed movie directed by Boaz Yakin, starring Jason Statham as the lead character. The film tells the story of Luke Wright,...
Lone Wolf McQuade (1983) is an action-western film directed by Steve Carver, starring Chuck Norris in one of his most iconic roles. The film blends...
Baby’s Day Out (1994) is a family comedy directed by Patrick Read Johnson and written by John Hughes. The film stars Joe Mantegna, Lara Flynn...
We’re the Millers (2013) is a fast, funny movie about a fake family on a wild road trip. David (Jason Sudeikis) is a small-time drug...
“El destino me enseñó a vivir” (título original: The Destiny of Me), es una película argentina de 1993 dirigida por Juan José Jusid, protagonizada por...
“Como si nunca nos hubiéramos separado” es un emotivo cortometraje mexicano dirigido por Everardo González, que explora la realidad de muchas familias afectadas por la...
The Return of Colombiana 2: A New Chapter in Cataleya’s Journey It’s been over a decade since Colombiana (2011) introduced audiences to Cataleya Restrepo, the...
Better Call Saul (2015–2022) is a critically acclaimed TV series that serves as both a prequel and a spin-off to the iconic Breaking Bad....
“Mr. Nice Guy” (1997), also known by its Hong Kong title Yat Goh Ho Yan, is an action-comedy film starring Jackie Chan. The film blends...
Martial Law is a dynamic American action series that aired from 1998 to 2000, combining intense martial arts with crime-solving drama. The show stars Sammo...
TKKG (2019) is a German mystery-adventure film that reboots the beloved TKKG book series for a new generation. The story follows four teenagers—Tim (aka T),...
The International (2009) is a high-stakes political thriller directed by Tom Tykwer, exploring the dark, corrupt world of global finance. The film centers on Interpol...
Better Call Saul is a popular TV series and a prequel to Breaking Bad. It follows Jimmy McGill, a talented lawyer who gradually transforms into...
Episode 8 of Daredevil (2015), titled “Shadows in the Glass,” takes a deeper look into Matt Murdock’s inner turmoil. Following the intense events of previous...