Merantau (2009)
Merantau (2009) is a thrilling Indonesian action film that introduced Silat to global audiences. Directed by Gareth Evans, it stars Iko Uwais in a breakout...
Merantau (2009) is a thrilling Indonesian action film that introduced Silat to global audiences. Directed by Gareth Evans, it stars Iko Uwais in a breakout...
Headshot (2016) is an intense Indonesian action-thriller that delivers non-stop excitement. Directed by Kimo Stamboel and Timo Tjahjanto, the film stars Iko Uwais in a...
Maria (2019) is an intense Filipino action film that tells a gripping story of revenge. Directed by Pedring Lopez, the movie stars Cristine Reyes as...
Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown (2011) is a high-octane sequel to the 2008 martial arts hit, delivering intense action and an adrenaline-fueled story. Directed...
The Shining is a psychological horror masterpiece directed by Stanley Kubrick and loosely based on Stephen King’s 1977 novel. Released in 1980, the film initially...
Iron Fisted Monk (1977) is a Hong Kong martial arts film directed by and starring Sammo Hung in his directorial debut. The story follows Husker...
Once Upon a Time in the West is a seminal film in the history of cinema, representing a culmination of Sergio Leone’s mastery of the...
Ouija: Origin of Evil is a supernatural horror film directed by acclaimed filmmaker Mike Flanagan, known for his expertise in crafting slow-burn psychological horror (The...
Universal Pictures presents a thrilling new version of Tarzan (2025), starring Dwayne Johnson as the legendary king of the jungle and Megan Fox as Jane,...
Vertical Limit was directed by Martin Campbell, best known for high-octane action films like GoldenEye (1995) and Casino Royale (2006). The film was written by...
“Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood” – A Bold Satire of Urban Cinema Introduction In 1996, the...
Jonah Hex tells the story of a scarred bounty hunter seeking revenge and redemption. Set after the Civil War, Josh Brolin stars as Jonah Hex,...
Warriors Two (1978) is a Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Sammo Hung, who also stars in the lead role. The film is one...
Law & Order: SVU – A Crime Drama That Redefines Justice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU) is a critically acclaimed television series that...
Nowhere (2023) is a Spanish survival thriller directed by Albert Pintó, set in a near-future dystopia where a totalitarian regime has seized control of Spain....
Undisputed IV: Boyka is an intense martial arts action film that continues the story of Yuri Boyka, a determined and powerful fighter. The movie delivers...
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny is a visually stunning martial arts epic that continues the legacy of the Oscar-winning original. Directed by Yuen...
9-1-1 is an American procedural drama television series created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear. It premiered on January 3, 2018, on Fox...
Stars: Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan The Fall is a gripping British crime drama that explores the psychological cat-and-mouse game between a serial killer and the...
Dragon Blade (2015) is a historical action-adventure film directed by Daniel Lee, featuring an ensemble cast led by Jackie Chan, John Cusack, and Adrien Brody....
The Boys in the Band (2020) is a drama film directed by Joe Mantello, adapted from Mart Crowley’s iconic 1968 play of the same name....
The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023) takes fans on a new journey in the post-apocalyptic world. Created by Eli Jorné, the series moves the action...
Escape Plan (2013) delivers a thrilling mix of action, strategy, and suspense. Directed by Mikael Håfström, the film stars Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in...
The Craft (1996) stands out as one of the most iconic teen supernatural thrillers of the 90s. Directed by Andrew Fleming, the film masterfully blends...
Real Steel (2011) is a thrilling mix of action, family drama, and heartwarming moments. Directed by Shawn Levy, the film takes place in a near-future...
Solo (2018) is a Spanish survival drama directed by Hugo Stuven and starring Alain Hernández. The film is inspired by a true story and follows...
Of Mice and Men (1992) is a moving adaptation of John Steinbeck’s classic novel. Directed by Gary Sinise, the film explores themes of friendship, isolation,...
Ravenous (Les Affamés, 2017) is a French-Canadian horror drama directed and written by Robin Aubert. The film is a chilling and atmospheric exploration of a...
Logan (2017) is a critically acclaimed superhero film directed by James Mangold, starring Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine and Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier. The film...
The Shed is a 2019 American horror film written and directed by Frank Sabatella. It follows the story of a teenager named Stan and his...