The Foreigner (2017)
The Foreigner (2017) is an intense action thriller directed by Martin Campbell, starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan. Based on Stephen Leather’s novel The Chinaman,...
The Foreigner (2017) is an intense action thriller directed by Martin Campbell, starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan. Based on Stephen Leather’s novel The Chinaman,...
Gladiator (1992) is an action-packed sports drama directed by Rowdy Herrington, starring James Marshall and Cuba Gooding Jr. The film tells the story of a...
Hidden Figures (2016) is an uplifting and inspiring biographical drama directed by Theodore Melfi and based on the non-fiction book by Margot Lee Shetterly. The...
Gladiator (1992) is a gritty sports drama directed by Rowdy Herrington, starring James Marshall and Cuba Gooding Jr. The film dives into the dangerous world...
“El destino me enseñó a vivir” (título original: The Destiny of Me), es una película argentina de 1993 dirigida por Juan José Jusid, protagonizada por...
“Como si nunca nos hubiéramos separado” es un emotivo cortometraje mexicano dirigido por Everardo González, que explora la realidad de muchas familias afectadas por la...
“Chicago Fire” is an American drama series that premiered on NBC in 2012. Created by Michael Brandt and Derek Haas, the show focuses on the...
Cobra Kai on Netflix is a gripping continuation of the Karate Kid story, reimagining the rivalry between Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso for a new...
Shameless is an American TV series that aired on Showtime starting in 2011, blending dark humor with deep social issues. The story follows the Gallagher...
9-1-1 is an American drama series created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear. It focuses on the intense and often dangerous situations faced...
The upcoming TV series Nautilus (2024) reimagines the origins of Captain Nemo, the iconic character from Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Set...
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) is a drama directed by Milos Forman, based on the novel by Ken Kesey. Set in a psychiatric...
The Rain is a Danish post-apocalyptic sci-fi TV series that originally aired from 2018 to 2020. It was created by Jannik Tai Mosholt, Esben Toft...
Tombstone (1993) is a Western film that dramatizes the legendary events surrounding the town of Tombstone, Arizona, and the infamous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral....
La Milla Verde es una película dramática basada en la novela de Stephen King, que narra la historia de Paul Edgecomb, un guardia de prisión...
Against the Ice (2022) is a survival drama directed by Peter Flinth, based on the true story of Denmark’s 1909 polar expedition led by Ejnar...