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The Darkest Hour (2011) is a science fiction thriller directed by Chris Gorak and produced by Timur Bekmambetov. The film presents a fresh take on...
The Darkest Hour (2011) is a science fiction thriller directed by Chris Gorak and produced by Timur Bekmambetov. The film presents a fresh take on...
Penny Dreadful: A Haunting Victorian Tale of Supernatural Battles Set in Victorian London, Penny Dreadful follows a group of extraordinary characters battling supernatural forces and...
Director: Tommy Wirkola Cast: Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Famke Janssen, Peter Stormare Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) reimagines the classic fairy tale of Hansel...
Set in the small town of Wardenclyffe, New York, Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween follows Sonny and Sam, two middle school best friends who run a...
The Woods (2018) is a chilling short horror film directed by Olenka Denysenko, delivering an atmospheric and suspenseful story in under 10 minutes. Known for...
Jeepers Creepers III (2017) is the third installment in the Jeepers Creepers horror film series, directed by Victor Salva. Unlike the first two films, Jeepers...
MIME (2020) is a thought-provoking short film directed by David R. Williams, exploring themes of communication, isolation, and self-expression through the unique lens of silence...
“Ghostland” (2018): A Haunting Descent into Fear and Survival Incident in a Ghostland Official Trailer #1 (2018) Horror Movie HD In the realm of modern...
Anaconda (2024) is an epic survival-adventure film and the sixth chapter in the iconic Anaconda franchise. This modern reimagining of the 1997 cult classic, directed...
Pet Sematary (1989) is a horror film directed by Mary Lambert and based on the 1983 novel of the same name by Stephen King, who...
The VVitch: A New-England Folktale (2015) is a psychological horror film set in 1630s New England. It follows a Puritan family exiled to a remote...
Alien: Covenant (2017) is a sci-fi horror film and a sequel to Prometheus (2012). It follows the crew of the colonization ship Covenant on their...
CONSTANTINE 2In Constantine 2 (2024), the teaser trailer begins with John Constantine (played by Keanu Reeves) as he stands at a crossroads between realms, visibly...
The Faculty is a science fiction horror-thriller directed by Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City) and written by Kevin Williamson, who rose to...
Brightburn (2019) reimagines the superhero genre with a chilling twist, combining horror and sci-fi elements. Directed by David Yarovesky and produced by James Gunn, the...
The Birch (2019) is a supernatural horror film about Hope, a young girl who faces bullying and isolation. Her life changes when she stumbles upon...
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), directed by Julius Onah and produced by J.J. Abrams, is the third entry in the Cloverfield franchise, combining elements of science...
A Tale of Two Sisters is a famous South Korean psychological horror film directed by Kim Jee-woon. The film is inspired by the Korean folk...
In the 2002 movie “Resident Evil,” directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, the story follows a covert security team, led by Alice (played by Milla Jovovich),...
Menjelang Ajal is an Indonesian horror film that focuses on supernatural and mysterious elements. The main plot of the film revolves around a family living...
Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) is an outstanding psychological horror film directed by Mike Flanagan, serving as a prequel to Ouija (2014). However, this film...
Monolith (2016) is a gripping Italian thriller directed by Ivan Silvestrini. The story centers on Sandra (played by Katrina Bowden), a former pop star, who...
Operation Blood Hunt (2023) is a high-stakes action-horror film that takes place on a mysterious Pacific island. A squad of elite commandos is sent to...
Slaughterhouse on the Hill 2024 (La Carnicería en la Colina) is a chilling horror film that delves deep into the realms of fear, survival, and...
Van Helsing 2: The Dark Rise continues the journey of Gabriel Van Helsing (Tom Hardy), who fights against a more powerful dark force after destroying...
“Friday Night Bites” is the third episode of The Vampire Diaries Season 1, which aired on September 24, 2009. The episode continues to build on...
Sputnik (2020) is a Russian sci-fi horror film directed by Egor Abramenko. Set during the Cold War, the film combines psychological tension with extraterrestrial horror....
Don’t Breathe (2016) is a gripping horror-thriller directed by Fede Álvarez, co-written with Rodo Sayagues, and produced by Sam Raimi. The film explores themes of...
“Legacies” (2018–2022) is an American supernatural drama series that aired on The CW. It is a spin-off of the popular shows “The Vampire Diaries” (2009-2017)...
Alone (2020) is a thriller film directed by John Hyams and starring Jules Willcox. The film is a tense, survival-based story with elements of psychological...