🔫𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗘𝘃𝗶𝗹: 𝗔𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹𝘆𝗽𝘀𝗲 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟰🧟
“Resident Evil: Apocalypse” (2004) is the second film in the Resident Evil series, directed by Alexander Witt and based on the video game franchise of...
“Resident Evil: Apocalypse” (2004) is the second film in the Resident Evil series, directed by Alexander Witt and based on the video game franchise of...
World War Z 2 the highly anticipated sequel to the 2013 zombie hit, promises to deliver a larger-scale, more intense battle for survival. Brad Pitt returns...
“Oculus” (2013) is a psychological horror film that revolves around the theme of a cursed mirror and the terrifying effects it has on a family....
𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 (𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟮) is a Dutch crime thriller film directed by Paul Verhoeven, revolving around the concept of deceit, manipulation, and hidden motives. The story...
“Kembalikan Tubuhku” is an Indonesian psychological horror film that tells a creepy story revolving around obsession, revenge, and supernatural phenomena. The main content of the...
The Uncanny Counter (2020–2023) is a South Korean fantasy action series based on Jang Yi’s webtoon Amazing Rumor. Directed by Yoo Seon-dong and starring Jo...
Movie Name: The Twilight Saga 6: New Chapter Threat from the Volturi: Although Cullen overcame a great challenge with the Volturi in Breaking Dawn, this...
The Walking Dead follows a group of survivors led by former sheriff Rick Grimes in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies (called “walkers”). As they...
Evil follows Dr. Kristen Bouchard, a skeptical psychologist, who works with David Acosta, a priest-in-training, and Ben Shakir, a tech expert. Together, they investigate supernatural...
“Planet Terror” (2007) is a high-octane, grindhouse-style horror film directed by Robert Rodriguez. It is part of the double feature Grindhouse (with Quentin Tarantino’s Death...
In this chilling finale to The Conjuring series, Ed and Lorraine Warren face their most formidable adversary yet as they take on their last paranormal...
Art the Clown, resurrected by a mysterious force, returns to Miles County on Halloween night. His sadistic reign of terror begins anew, targeting unsuspecting victims...
Prey for the Devil is a thrilling and spine-chilling dive into the world of exorcisms, dark secrets, and a haunting exploration of faith and fear....
The Swarm (1978) is a disaster-horror film directed by Irwin Allen, often dubbed the “Master of Disaster” for his work on large-scale disaster movies like...
The Ring Two (2005) is a chilling continuation of the supernatural events introduced in The Ring (2002). Directed by Hideo Nakata, the film deepens the...
Annabelle: Creation (2017) – A Chilling Origin Story Trailer FHD 1 “Annabelle: Creation”, directed by David F. Sandberg, is a gripping prequel in The Conjuring...
Bone Tomahawk (2015) es una obra única que combina el género tradicional *occidental* con elementos de terror sangriento, y cuenta sobre un aterrador viaje...
On Halloween night, two friends, Tara and Dawn, encounter Art the Clown, a menacing figure with a silent but sadistic demeanor. After following them to...
Terrifier 2 is the sequel to the popular horror film Terrifier, with the content revolving around the return of Art the Clown, a brutal and...
The teaser trailer for “Evil Dead 2: New Chapter” dives back into the terrifying world of the Evil Dead franchise, promising a spine-chilling continuation of...
Cannibal Boys là một bộ phim kinh dị đáng sợ lấy bối cảnh tại một thị trấn xa xôi, nơi một nhóm du khách không...
Phần thứ tám của loạt phim A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy vs. Jason (2003), là một bộ phim kinh dị hành động kết hợp...
The Head Hunter (2018) is a dark fantasy horror film that follows a medieval warrior, referred to as “The Father,” who resides on the outskirts...
Black Wake (2018) is a science fiction horror film directed by Jeremiah Kipp, combining elements of Lovecraftian horror and psychological mystery. The story follows a...
Slaughter house on the Hill (2024) is a horror film that combines slasher tropes with nostalgic undertones. The story unfolds after a group of friends...
Nosferatu (2024), directed by Robert Eggers, is a gothic horror tale reimagining the 1922 classic. The story follows Ellen Hutter (Lily-Rose Depp), a young woman...
Operation Blood Hunt (2024) is a horror action film set in 1944, revolving around a group of task force sent to a remote island in...
Train to Busan (2016) is a South Korean zombie horror-thriller directed by Yeon Sang-ho. The film begins with Seok-woo, a cold and disconnected fund manager,...
Wrong Turn (2003) is a slasher horror film that follows a group of six friends who take a road trip through the remote Appalachian Mountains...
Gremlins (1984), directed by Joe Dante and produced by Steven Spielberg, is a horror-comedy film set in the small town of Kingston Falls. The story...