🎬The Lair (2022)
“The Lair” (2022) is a horror, action film directed by Neil Marshall. The film revolves around the story of a female military pilot, Lt. Kate...
“The Lair” (2022) is a horror, action film directed by Neil Marshall. The film revolves around the story of a female military pilot, Lt. Kate...
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) adapts a chilling chapter from Bram Stoker’s Dracula, recounting the doomed journey of the merchant ship Demeter as...
Scream (1996), directed by Wes Craven, is a meta-horror slasher film that reinvents the genre by combining traditional horror tropes with self-aware humor and commentary...
Si quieres ver una película de terror con elementos gore, no te pierdas la obra maestra de terror llamada The Hills Have Eyes (2006) The...
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) reboots the Resident Evil film franchise, adapting the storyline from the first two video games in the series....
**”𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤” (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓)** is a thriller-horror film directed by Eli Roth. The story revolves around Evan Webber (played by Keanu Reeves), a middle-class man who...
“12 Feet Deep” (2017) is a psychological thriller and survival horror film directed by Matt Eskandari. The film stars Nora-Jane Noone, Alexandra Park, and Diogo...