Venom 4: Rey de negro Tráiler (2025) Tom Hardy
Venom 4: Rey de negro Tráiler (2025) Tom Hardy ¡La espera ha terminado! Se ha lanzado el tráiler de “Venom 4: King In Black,” la...
Venom 4: Rey de negro Tráiler (2025) Tom Hardy ¡La espera ha terminado! Se ha lanzado el tráiler de “Venom 4: King In Black,” la...
Madame Web (2024), directed by S.J. Clarkson, is a highly anticipated installment in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU). It tells the origin story of Cassandra Webb,...
Scheduled to release on July 24, 2026, Spider-Man 4 continues Tom Holland’s journey as Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Directed by Destin Daniel...
Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021), also known as the “Snyder Cut,” is the director’s original vision of the 2017 Justice League film. This four-hour epic,...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), directed by Zack Snyder, brings together two of the most iconic superheroes—Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill)—in...
Justice League (2017) brings together DC’s most iconic superheroes in an epic fight to save the world. Directed by Zack Snyder and completed by Joss...
Shazam! Fury of the Gods is the exciting sequel to the 2019 superhero hit, continuing the adventures of Billy Batson (Asher Angel) and his heroic...
The Transformers franchise continues to captivate fans with thrilling stories and epic battles. While there is no official confirmation for a film titled Transformers 8:...
🔥 NOTICIA OFICIAL 🔥 Se confirma que en #DaredevilBornAgain, Johnny Blaze hará su primera aparición durante un juicio. Después de este evento, el personaje obtendrá...
In this gripping sequel, the Justice League faces their darkest hour as Darkseid launches a full-scale invasion of Earth. The team must navigate personal struggles,...
Avengers: Doomsday (2026) is set to redefine the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Earth’s mightiest heroes face an unprecedented threat. Following the fallout of the multiverse...
Nova (2025) is an anticipated Marvel Studios project that will introduce the cosmic superhero Richard Rider, also known as Nova, into the Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Power Rangers (2017) follows five misfit teenagers—Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zack—who discover ancient Power Coins in Angel Grove, granting them superhuman abilities. Guided by...
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) follows the Fantastic Four as they prepare for Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and Sue Storm’s (Invisible Woman)...
“The Rings of Power” (2022): A Spectacular Journey Back to Middle-earth The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power – Official Trailer | Prime...
Titans (2018–2023) follows a team of young superheroes, including Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy, as they come together to fight dark forces....
Black Adam (2022) follows Teth-Adam, an ancient antihero awakened in the modern world with god-like powers. Seeking vengeance on those who wronged him, he clashes...
Daredevil (2003) follows Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer with enhanced senses who becomes the vigilante Daredevil to fight crime in Hell’s Kitchen. By day, he...
The Amazing Spider-Man 3: New Beginning (2025) follows Peter Parker as he continues to juggle his life as a high school student and his superhero...
Spider-Man 2 (2004) focuses on Peter Parker’s inner conflict between his life as a superhero and his personal desires. Peter is overwhelmed by the responsibilities...
Spider-Man 3 (2007) follows Peter Parker as he struggles to balance his personal life, relationships, and responsibilities as Spider-Man. His relationship with Mary Jane Watson...
The Flash (2023) tells the story of Barry Allen, who uses his super-speed to travel back in time to prevent his mother’s murder. Despite his...
In Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, Earth’s mightiest heroes face their greatest challenge yet as Kang the Conqueror emerges from the multiverse with a mission to...
Thor: Love and Thunder sees the God of Thunder embarking on a new journey of self-discovery after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Having gained weight...
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) picks up after the events of Avengers: Endgame, where Peter Parker is coping with the loss of Tony Stark/Iron Man....
Black Panther (2018) is a groundbreaking superhero film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, following T’Challa, the newly crowned king of Wakanda, a hidden African...
After a mission results in collateral damage, global governments push for the Sokovia Accords, a law to regulate the Avengers. This divides the team: Tony...
Shang-Chi, a skilled martial artist, lives a quiet life in San Francisco until his past catches up to him. His father, Xu Wenwu, the leader...
Thor returns to find Asgard in turmoil, with his father Odin missing and his adopted sister Hela, the Goddess of Death, claiming the throne. Hela...
Hot news for Marvel fans! Hulk: World War Exciting news for fans of Hulk and the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Mark Ruffalo and Edward Norton, the...