𝐃𝐮𝐚𝐥 (𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖)
Dual (2018) is a short science fiction drama written and directed by Justin Stokes that delves into the complexities of identity and morality in a...
Dual (2018) is a short science fiction drama written and directed by Justin Stokes that delves into the complexities of identity and morality in a...
Godzilla (2014) is a reboot of the iconic Japanese monster franchise Godzilla, directed by Gareth Edwards. This film is the first in Legendary Entertainment’s MonsterVerse,...
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a TV series that aired from January 2008 to April 2009. It was produced by Josh Friedman and aired...
Freaks: You’re One of Us (2020) is a German sci-fi thriller directed by Felix Binder. The film presents an intriguing twist on the superhero genre,...
Director: Joe Dante Producer: Steven Spielberg Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi Plot Summary Small Soldiers follows a group of action-figure toys brought to life with military-grade...
Deep Blue Sea 3 is a science-fiction horror thriller that serves as a continuation of the Deep Blue Sea franchise, known for its focus on...
The Suicide Squad (2021): A Chaotic DC Masterpiece The Suicide Squad (2021), directed by James Gunn, is a wildly entertaining and visually explosive film that...
The Insect (2025) is a thrilling horror and sci-fi film directed by Emmett Froome. Dwayne Johnson stars as Dr. Samuel Graves. The story is set...
Cloud Atlas (2012) is a visually stunning film directed by Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski, and Lilly Wachowski. Adapted from David Mitchell’s novel, it follows six...
Introduction to Riddick 4: Furya Riddick 4: Furya marks the long-awaited return of Vin Diesel as the iconic anti-hero, Richard B. Riddick. Directed by David...
Zoo (2015–2017) is a sci-fi thriller television series based on the novel by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. The show aired on CBS for three...
Looper (2012) is a sci-fi action thriller written and directed by Rian Johnson, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt. The film explores time...
Books of Blood (2020) is a horror anthology film directed by Brannon Braga and inspired by Clive Barker’s iconic short story collection of the same...
The Rig (2023) is a gripping supernatural thriller series that combines suspense, drama, and mystery in a tense, isolated setting. Created by David Macpherson and...
Pixels (2015) is a sci-fi action comedy directed by Chris Columbus. The film follows Sam Brenner, a former video game champion, who is recruited to...
The journey of the beloved cyborg warrior continues in Alita 2: Blood & Steel (2025), the highly anticipated sequel to Alita: Battle Angel. Directed once...
Swamp Shark (2011) is a made-for-TV action-horror film that aired on the Syfy Channel. Directed by Griff Furst, the film blends creature-feature thrills with campy,...
The Predator saga returns with Prey 2 (2025), the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Prey (2022). Set once again in the untamed wilderness...
Film Review: The NeverEnding Story (1984) The NeverEnding Story (1984), directed by Wolfgang Petersen, is a fantasy classic based on Michael Ende’s novel. The film...
Film Review: Dark Cloud (2022) Dark Cloud (2022), directed by Roseanne Liang, explores the intersection of technology, consciousness, and the consequences of innovation. Set in...
In Rampage 2, the world faces even greater chaos as giant creatures, once thought to be contained, rise again. After the events of the first...
In Star Trek 4: New Horizon, the USS Enterprise embarks on a new mission deep into uncharted space, facing a galactic threat that could alter...
Tekken is a fast-paced action film based on the popular fighting game. Set in a dystopian future, it follows Jin Kazama (Jon Foo), a young...
The modern Resident Evil saga reaches its explosive conclusion in Resident Evil 9: The Last Stand. Picking up after Resident Evil: The Final Chapter...
Mortal Kombat (1995) is a live-action martial arts fantasy film directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, based on the popular video game series of the same...
Apocalypto 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Mel Gibson’s original epic. The story begins years after Jaguar Paw (Rudy Youngblood) escaped sacrifice. Now, he faces...
Dwayne Johnson stars as Ethan Kael, a former Special Forces operative turned survivalist, leading humanity’s fight for survival in the brutal post-apocalyptic future of Predator...
In 1984, the world witnessed the arrival of an unstoppable cybernetic assassin—the Terminator—sent from a war-torn future to eliminate Sarah Connor, the mother of humanity’s...
Real Steel (2011) is a thrilling mix of action, family drama, and heartwarming moments. Directed by Shawn Levy, the film takes place in a near-future...
Ravenous (Les Affamés, 2017) is a French-Canadian horror drama directed and written by Robin Aubert. The film is a chilling and atmospheric exploration of a...