𝐃𝐮𝐚𝐥 (𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖)
Dual (2018) is a short science fiction drama written and directed by Justin Stokes that delves into the complexities of identity and morality in a...
Dual (2018) is a short science fiction drama written and directed by Justin Stokes that delves into the complexities of identity and morality in a...
Banshee (2013–2016) is an action-packed American TV series blending crime drama, action, and dark character exploration. Created by Jonathan Tropper and David Schickler, the show...
Keep Breathing (2022) is a limited survival drama series created by Martin Gero and Brendan Gall, starring Melissa Barrera in a powerful and emotionally charged...
The Ice Road (2021) is a gripping action-thriller written and directed by Jonathan Hensleigh, starring Liam Neeson, Laurence Fishburne, Amber Midthunder, and Marcus Thomas. The...
Brimstone (2016) is a dark, gritty Western thriller written and directed by Martin Koolhoven. Known for its disturbing themes, striking visuals, and intense performances, the...
Godzilla (2014) is a reboot of the iconic Japanese monster franchise Godzilla, directed by Gareth Edwards. This film is the first in Legendary Entertainment’s MonsterVerse,...
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a TV series that aired from January 2008 to April 2009. It was produced by Josh Friedman and aired...
Leatherface (2017) is a psychological horror film directed by Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, known for their visually arresting and visceral storytelling. The film serves...
The pilot episode of The Walking Dead, “Days Gone Bye”, premiered on October 31, 2010, introducing audiences to a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by zombies. Directed...
The Lords of Discipline (1983) is a drama film directed by Frank R. Pierson, based on the 1980 novel of the same name by Pat...
Knight Rider (2008–2009) is a television series that serves as a reimagining of the iconic 1982–1986 show of the same name. The reboot, developed by...
The Good Son (1993) is a psychological thriller directed by Joseph Ruben, starring Macaulay Culkin, Elijah Wood, and Wendy Crewson. The film tells the story...
Unforgotten (2015) is a British crime drama created by Chris Lang. The show follows detectives DCI Cassie Stuart (Nicola Walker) and DI Sunny Khan (Sanjeev...
Savage Salvation (2022), directed by Randall Emmett, is a crime thriller starring Jack Huston, Robert De Niro, and John Malkovich. The film centers on Shelby...
The Rig (2023) is a supernatural horror television series from Amazon Prime Video, created by David Macpherson and directed by John Strickland. Starring a talented...
Jigsaw (2017) is a horror-thriller directed by Michael and Peter Spierig, serving as the eighth installment in the Saw franchise and a revival of the...
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, released in 2011, is a Cold War espionage thriller that deftly captures the shadowy, morally ambiguous world of international intelligence. Directed...
Rogue (2007) is an Australian horror-thriller film directed by Greg McLean, known for his work on Wolf Creek (2005). The movie is a gripping, suspenseful...
Training Day (2001), directed by Antoine Fuqua, is a gripping crime drama about corruption in law enforcement. The film stars Denzel Washington as Detective Alonzo...
Blackthorn (2011) is a gripping Western film directed by Mateo Gil, starring Sam Shepard, Eduardo Noriega, and Stephen Rea. Blending historical fiction with themes of...
Gallowwalkers (2012) is a supernatural Western film directed by Andrew Goth, starring Wesley Snipes, Kevin Howarth, and Riley Smith. The film combines gritty Western action...
Director: Soi Cheang Genre: Martial Arts, Action Setting: Kowloon Walled City, Hong Kong Plot Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In is set in Kowloon Walled...
Directed by Walter Hill, Extreme Prejudice is an intense action thriller that combines Western and crime genres. Set along the Texas-Mexico border, the film follows...
A New Era of Biohazard Chaos Resident Evil 8 (2025) brings fans back into the terrifying world of survival horror, delivering another intense chapter in...
Introduction to Riddick 4: Furya Riddick 4: Furya marks the long-awaited return of Vin Diesel as the iconic anti-hero, Richard B. Riddick. Directed by David...
Scorpion (2014–2018) is an American television series created by Nick Santora, which blends elements of drama, action, and procedural investigation. The series follows a group...
Dolores Claiborne (1995) is a psychological thriller film based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Directed by Taylor Hackford, the film...
9-1-1 is a highly acclaimed American action-drama television series created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear. Premiering in 2018, the show quickly captured...
Zoo (2015–2017) is a sci-fi thriller television series based on the novel by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. The show aired on CBS for three...
Looper (2012) is a sci-fi action thriller written and directed by Rian Johnson, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, and Emily Blunt. The film explores time...