Road House (2024)
Road House – Official Trailer | Prime Video “Road House” is a 2024 action film directed by Doug Liman. A reimagining of the 1989 cult...
Road House – Official Trailer | Prime Video “Road House” is a 2024 action film directed by Doug Liman. A reimagining of the 1989 cult...
ย Director: Keith Gordon ย Stars: Ethan Hawke, Gary Sinise, Kevin Dillon, Frank Whaley ย Plot Overview: Set in the harsh winter of 1944, the story takes place...
The 2020 adaptation of The Witches, directed by Robert Zemeckis, breathes new life into Roald Dahl’s beloved story. This family-friendly fantasy-comedy blends humor, suspense, and...
Apocalypto is an epic historical action film directed and produced by Mel Gibson. Released in December 2006, the film is set in Mesoamerica during the...
The Huntsman: Winter’s War (2016): A Fantasy Epic of Love, Betrayal, and Power Introduction Released in 2016, The Huntsman: Winter’s War expands the universe of...
“The Old Way” is a 2023 Western film directed by Brett Donowho. Starring Nicolas Cage in his first Western role, the movie combines a traditional...
“Sardar” (2022) is a standout action-political drama from Indian cinema, directed by P. S. Mithran. The film presents an intense story of family bonds, patriotism,...
“Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1” is an epic Western directed and produced by Kevin Costner. Spanning 15 years before and after the American...
Don’t Breathe (2016) is a gripping psychological horror film directed by Fede รlvarez, taking audiences on a heart-pounding journey full of tension and unexpected twists....
Jack (2014) is a German drama film directed by Edward Berger, offering a poignant exploration of childhood resilience and survival in the face of neglect....
“Kingdom” is a 2019 Japanese historical action film directed by Shinsuke Sato. Based on the popular manga series by Yasuhisa Hara, the movie tells a...
“True Legend” is a 2010 martial arts epic directed by Yuen Woo-Ping, a legendary action choreographer. Starring Vincent Zhao, Zhou Xun, Andy On, and Michelle...
White Fang (1991): A Tale of Survival and Friendship White Fang is a timeless story brought to life in various adaptations, most notably in the...
Piranha 3DD (2012): Terror Strikes Again Beneath the Water Piranha 3DD (2012) is the thrilling and bloody sequel to the 2010 hit Piranha 3D. Directed...
Island of Fire (1991), directed by Tony Liu, is a Hong Kong action film starring Jackie Chan in a more dramatic and intense role compared...
Tarzรกn (2025) Dwayne Johnson interpreta a Tarzรกn en una nueva adaptaciรณn moderna del clรกsico de Edgar Rice Burroughs, que combina acciรณn y romance. Megan...
Black Book is a Dutch war thriller directed by Paul Verhoeven, known for his previous works such as Basic Instinct and RoboCop. The film is...
Bodyguard is a British political thriller television series created by Jed Mercurio, the creator of the highly acclaimed series Line of Duty. The show follows...
The Witch: Part 2 – The Other One is a South Korean action thriller and the sequel to the 2018 film The Witch: Part 1...
“La Palma” is a Norwegian miniseries that premiered on Netflix in December 2024. The series consists of four episodes, each approximately 45 to 50 minutes...
Panic Room is a psychological thriller directed by David Fincher, known for his dark and suspenseful storytelling. The film revolves around a mother and daughter...
“Power Rangers” is a 2017 science fiction action film directed by Dean Israelite. A reboot of the classic franchise, the film reimagines the origin story...
Vis a Vis (Locked Up) is a critically acclaimed Spanish crime-drama series that revolves around the lives of inmates in a womenโs prison. Known for...
“Wanted” is a 2008 action-thriller film directed by Timur Bekmambetov, based on the comic book series by Mark Millar and J.G. Jones. Starring James McAvoy,...
21 is a stylish drama inspired by the true story of the MIT Blackjack Team, a group of students who used card-counting techniques to win...
“Man of Tai Chi” is a 2013 martial arts film directed by and starring Keanu Reeves in his directorial debut. Featuring Tiger Chen, Karen Mok,...
Curve is a minimalist, ten-minute short film that masterfully delivers psychological horror through a simple yet intensely unsettling premise. Directed by Australian filmmaker Tim Egan,...
“The Righteous and the Wicked” is a 2010 Western film written and directed by Craig A. Butler. The movie offers a gritty, character-driven narrative set...
Haunt (2019) is an independent American horror film co-directed and written by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, who are also known for co-writing A Quiet...
“Murder at Yellowstone City” is a 2022 Western mystery film directed by Richard Gray. Combining the dusty charm of classic Westerns with a compelling murder...