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The Protector (1985) is an American martial arts action film directed by James Glickenhaus and starring the legendary Jackie Chan. This film is notable for...
The Protector (1985) is an American martial arts action film directed by James Glickenhaus and starring the legendary Jackie Chan. This film is notable for...
Spider-Man (2002), directed by Sam Raimi, is a superhero film that kickstarted the modern wave of comic book adaptations and established Tobey Maguire as the...
ย Director: Irvin Kershner ย Writers: Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan ย Plot Summary: The film is set three years after the destruction of the first Death...
012 (2009) is a science fiction disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich, known for his large-scale destruction-focused movies like Independence Day (1996) and The Day...
Avengers: Doomsday (2026) is set to redefine the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Earthโs mightiest heroes face an unprecedented threat. Following the fallout of the multiverse...
Clash of the Titans (2010), directed by Louis Leterrier, is a modern reimagining of the 1981 classic fantasy adventure film of the same name. It...
Moonflower Murders (2024) follows former book editor Susan Ryeland, now living a quiet life in Crete with her partner Andreas. Her peace is disrupted when...
Nova (2025) is an anticipated Marvel Studios project that will introduce the cosmic superhero Richard Rider, also known as Nova, into the Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Water Monster (2019) is a Chinese fantasy action-adventure film directed by the Xiang brothers, Hesheng Xiang and Qiuliang Xiang, known for blending traditional folklore with...
ย Director: John McTiernan ย Stars: Bruce Willis ย Plot Overview: Die Hard follows John McClane (Bruce Willis), a New York City cop who visits his wife, Holly...
Power Rangers (2017) follows five misfit teenagersโJason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zackโwho discover ancient Power Coins in Angel Grove, granting them superhuman abilities. Guided by...
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) follows the Fantastic Four as they prepare for Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and Sue Storm’s (Invisible Woman)...
Jack the Giant Slayer (2013) is a fantasy adventure film directed by Bryan Singer and written by Darren Lemke, Christopher McQuarrie, and Dan Studney. The...
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) es una comedia familiar muy querida dirigida por Chris Columbus, que sirve como secuela de la pelรญcula...
The Magnificent Seven (1960), directed by John Sturges, is a classic Western inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. The story follows seven gunslingers who come...
Wind River (2017), directed by Taylor Sheridan, is a crime thriller set in the remote and icy Wind River Indian Reservation. The story follows Cory...
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (2023) is an epic anime-style prequel to The Lord of the Rings. Directed by Kenji...
Pocahontas (1995) is a Disney animated musical that tells a fictionalized version of the historical encounter between Pocahontas, a Native American woman, and English settler...
“Kung Fu Hustle” (2004) Overview: Directed by and starring Stephen Chow, “Kung Fu Hustle” is a martial arts comedy set in 1940s Shanghai. The film...
Breakthrough (2019) is an inspirational Christian drama directed by Roxann Dawson and based on the true story of John Smith, a 14-year-old boy who survived...
Pet Sematary (1989) is a horror film directed by Mary Lambert and based on the 1983 novel of the same name by Stephen King, who...
San Andreas (2015) is a disaster action film directed by Brad Peyton, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, and Paul Giamatti. The...
ย Dexter (2006) is a critically acclaimed American television series based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. The series follows Dexter Morgan (Michael...
Survive (2024) is a French-Belgian survival thriller directed by Frรฉdรฉric Jardin. This intense disaster film blends elements of action, science fiction, and psychological drama, with...
Wyatt Earp (1994) is a Western directed by Lawrence Kasdan. Kevin Costner plays the legendary lawman, Wyatt Earp. The film follows his life, from his...
Batman Returns (1992) is a superhero film directed by Tim Burton, and it is the sequel to his 1989 film Batman. It stars Michael Keaton...
Overview Seraphim Falls is a 2006 Western film directed by David Von Ancken. Starring Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson, it explores the intense, emotional pursuit...
Red River is a 1948 American Western film directed by Howard Hawks. It stars John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, and Walter Brennan. The movie tells the...
The Pianist (2002), directed by Roman Polanski, is a harrowing, true-life story of Wลadysลaw Szpilman, a renowned Polish-Jewish pianist and composer, who survives the devastation...
“The Dead Don’t Hurt” is a 2023 Western film directed by and starring Viggo Mortensen. This film is set in the period before and during...