Ghosted (2023)
Ghosted (2023): A Thrilling Action-Romance with Chris Evans & Ana de Armas Ghosted (2023), directed by Dexter Fletcher, blends action, romance, and espionage into an...
Ghosted (2023): A Thrilling Action-Romance with Chris Evans & Ana de Armas Ghosted (2023), directed by Dexter Fletcher, blends action, romance, and espionage into an...
300: Rise of an Empire (2014), directed by Noam Murro, is a visually stunning and action-packed continuation of the 300 saga. Set during the Battle...
Warcraft (2016), directed by Duncan Jones, brings the iconic video game franchise to life, exploring the epic battle between humans and orcs in the fantasy...
An Overview of You Don’t Mess with the Zohan Released in 2008, You Don’t Mess with the Zohan is a unique action-comedy directed by Dennis...
Gemini Man (2019), directed by Ang Lee, is a sci-fi action film that not only impresses with its cutting-edge technology but also invites deep reflections...
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), directed by Nicholas Meyer, is the sixth film in the Star Trek franchise and serves as a thrilling...
Brightburn (2019) reimagines the superhero genre with a chilling twist, combining horror and sci-fi elements. Directed by David Yarovesky and produced by James Gunn, the...
The Birch (2019) is a supernatural horror film about Hope, a young girl who faces bullying and isolation. Her life changes when she stumbles upon...
Blue Beetle (2023) follows Jaime Reyes, a young Mexican-American man from El Paso, Texas, who returns home after college and discovers a mysterious alien artifact...
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), directed by Julius Onah and produced by J.J. Abrams, is the third entry in the Cloverfield franchise, combining elements of science...
Better Call Saul (2015–2022) is a prequel to Breaking Bad, following Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk) as he transitions from a struggling lawyer to the morally...
A Man on the Inside (2024) follows Charles (Ted Danson), a retired man grieving his wife’s death. He answers a private investigator’s ad and goes...
Batman (1989), directed by Tim Burton, marked a significant departure from earlier portrayals of the character, bringing a darker, gothic tone to the story of...
Landman (2024), created by Taylor Sheridan, is a gripping drama set in West Texas during a modern oil boom. Inspired by the Boomtown podcast, the...
“Once Upon a Time in America” (1984) is an epic crime drama directed by Sergio Leone. The film spans several decades, telling the story of...
Cross (2024) is a gripping crime thriller based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. The series follows Alex Cross, a brilliant but haunted detective and...
Superman III (1983), directed by Richard Lester, is the third installment in the Superman film series, notable for its departure into lighter comedic territory while...
The Agency (2024) is a suspenseful spy series centered on Martin, a seasoned CIA operative played by Michael Fassbender, who returns to active duty after...
“First Strike” (1996) is the fourth film in Jackie Chan’s Police Story series, blending high-stakes action with comedic elements that showcase Chan’s iconic martial arts...
In Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, Earth’s mightiest heroes face their greatest challenge yet as Kang the Conqueror emerges from the multiverse with a mission to...
The Mule (2018), directed by Clint Eastwood, is a poignant crime drama inspired by a real-life story from a New York Times article titled “The...
BRZRKR (2025) is an action film adapted from the famous comic series co-created by Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt. Keanu Reeves plays “B,” an immortal...
A Tale of Two Sisters is a famous South Korean psychological horror film directed by Kim Jee-woon. The film is inspired by the Korean folk...
Man of Steel (2013), directed by Zack Snyder, is a reboot of the Superman film franchise, exploring the origins of the iconic superhero. The film...
Maleficent 3: Dark Fae takes the franchise into darker territory, following Maleficent and Aurora as they face a new threat: the Dark Fae, a powerful...
“Final Destination 5” (2011): Death’s Game Gets Deadlier The Final Destination franchise has always been a chilling reminder that no one escapes death, and its...
John Carter (2012) is a visually stunning sci-fi film directed by Andrew Stanton. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars, the movie follows...
Miracles: The Canton Godfather (1989), also known as Mr. Canton and Lady Rose, is a Hong Kong action-comedy film directed by and starring Jackie Chan....
Shot Caller (2017) is an outstanding crime-drama film directed by Ric Roman Waugh, taking audiences on a dark journey of transformation as a man...
SECRET LEVEL – Official Trailer SECRET LEVEL, an animated series for adults, will premiere on Prime Video on December 10, 2024. The series takes viewers...