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“Armour of God” (1986) stars Jackie Chan as the adventurous treasure hunter Jackie (aka “Asian Hawk”), who embarks on a perilous journey to retrieve a...
“Armour of God” (1986) stars Jackie Chan as the adventurous treasure hunter Jackie (aka “Asian Hawk”), who embarks on a perilous journey to retrieve a...
S.W.A.T. – Elite Special Forces In a world plagued by crime, an elite special forces team emerges to protect justice. “S.W.A.T.” is an action-packed TV...
“The Young Master” is a 1980 Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Jackie Chan, who also stars in the film along with Yuan Biao,...
In the Shadows of the 13th Century A war between humans and werewolves simmered. “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” tells the tale of a legend’s...
In the 2002 movie “Resident Evil,” directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, the story follows a covert security team, led by Alice (played by Milla Jovovich),...
Introduction to Elvis 2022 The 2022 film “Elvis” is a grand cinematic work directed by Baz Luhrmann, depicting the life and career of music legend...
Thor: Love and Thunder sees the God of Thunder embarking on a new journey of self-discovery after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Having gained weight...
ย “Take Cover” (2024) is an action and suspense film starring Scott Adkins and Jack Parr as the two main characters, Sam and Ken. The film...
“Shane” (1953): A Western Classic and a Tale of Silent Heroism Shane (1953) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers The 1953 film “Shane”, directed...
Menjelang Ajal is an Indonesian horror film that focuses on supernatural and mysterious elements. The main plot of the film revolves around a family living...
John Carter: The Legend Resurrected John Carter (2024) is a science fiction action adventure film directed by Andrew Stanton, based on the classic novel A...
Hidden Figures (2016) is an inspiring, heartwarming, and profoundly moving historical drama directed by Theodore Melfi. Based on the non-fiction book Hidden Figures by Margot...
Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) is an outstanding psychological horror film directed by Mike Flanagan, serving as a prequel to Ouija (2014). However, this film...
ย Below are selected good movie scenes, please watch. 1. Black Noise (2023) 2. Outside The Wire (2021) 3. Beast of No Nation (2015) 4. Best...
The Big Bang Theory (2007โ2019) is a sitcom about four geeky friendsโSheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Rajโwhose lives change when aspiring actress Penny moves in next...
Rumble in the Bronx (1995) is a martial arts action-comedy film that helped establish Jackie Chan as a global action star. Directed by Stanley Tong,...
Who Am I? (1998) is an action-comedy film co-directed by and starring Jackie Chan. Known for its thrilling stunts, humor, and exotic locations, the movie...
Undisputed is a popular action and martial arts film series from Hollywood, focusing on boxing matches and martial arts. The series is known for its...
ย Prison Break (2005), created by Paul Scheuring, follows Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), a structural engineer. He plans to rescue his brother, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell),...
“Warrior” (2019โ2023) is an American action, martial arts, and crime television series based on a concept by Bruce Lee. The show was developed by Jonathan...
Ip Man 4: The Finale (2019) is the fourth and final installment in the Ip Man series, directed by Wilson Yip and starring Donnie Yen...
Avatar 3 continues Jake Sully and Neytiriโs journey as they fight to protect their family and Na’vi culture. New military forces, equipped with advanced technology,...
“I Love You, Beth Cooper” (2009): A Hilarious and Heartfelt Tale of Teenage Recklessness High school graduation marks the end of one chapter and the...
Monolith (2016) is a gripping Italian thriller directed by Ivan Silvestrini. The story centers on Sandra (played by Katrina Bowden), a former pop star, who...
“In the Blood” (2014): A Gritty and Relentless Action Thriller Trรกiler oficial de In The Blood 1 (2014) – Pelรญcula en HD de Danny Trejo...
Operation Blood Hunt (2023) is a high-stakes action-horror film that takes place on a mysterious Pacific island. A squad of elite commandos is sent to...
Slaughterhouse on the Hill 2024 (La Carnicerรญa en la Colina) is a chilling horror film that delves deep into the realms of fear, survival, and...
Young Guns (1988) is a Western action film that dramatizes the rise of legendary outlaw Billy the Kid and his involvement in the Lincoln County...
Assassination Games (2011) is a gritty action-thriller directed by Ernie Barbarash, starring martial arts legends Jean-Claude Van Damme and Scott Adkins. The film delves into...
The 2024 TV series The Day of the Jackal is a reimagining of Frederick Forsythโs classic 1971 novel, tailored for modern audiences. Developed by Ronan...