๐ฌ๐ฌ Oculus (2013)
“Oculus” (2013) is a psychological horror film that revolves around the theme of a cursed mirror and the terrifying effects it has on a family....
“Oculus” (2013) is a psychological horror film that revolves around the theme of a cursed mirror and the terrifying effects it has on a family....
Hachi: A Dogโs Tale (2009) is a touching and emotional film, which tells the true story of an Akita dog named Hachiko, who faithfully waited...
Detachment (2011), directed by Tony Kaye, is a powerful drama starring Adrien Brody, Christina Hendricks, and James Caan. The film centers on Henry Barthes (Adrien...
The Foreigner (2017) is an intense action thriller directed by Martin Campbell, starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan. Based on Stephen Leather’s novel The Chinaman,...
Gladiator (1992) is an action-packed sports drama directed by Rowdy Herrington, starring James Marshall and Cuba Gooding Jr. The film tells the story of a...
“Ouija: Origin of Evil” โ When a Spirit Board Becomes a Portal to Terror Not just another horror film, “Ouija: Origin of Evil” (2016) carves...
“Under the Dome”: When a Small Town Becomes a Battleground for Survival Imagine a normal morning in a small town where everyone is going about...
Cross (2024) is a crime thriller TV series based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. It offers a fresh storyline inspired by Patterson’s work but...
Thor returns to find Asgard in turmoil, with his father Odin missing and his adopted sister Hela, the Goddess of Death, claiming the throne. Hela...
Race to Witch Mountain (2009) is a thrilling action-adventure film with a touch of science fiction, directed by Andy Fickman and starring Dwayne “The Rock”...
๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐: ๐ ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ข๐ (2025) marks the return of Vin Diesel in the iconic role of Richard B. Riddick, continuing the character’s harsh survival journey. This...
Prison on Fire II (1991) is the sequel to the classic action film Prison on Fire (1987), continuing the story of the harsh life inside...
Movie Overview The Peripheral: The Peripheral (2022) is a gripping sci-fi thriller that blends cutting-edge technology, virtual realities, and high-stakes survival. Directed by a visionary...
Sniper: The White Raven (2022) is an intense war film from Ukraine, directed by Maris Martinsons. The film is not just a story of war,...
๐ง๐ฟ๐ถ๐ฐ๐ธ๐ฒ๐ฑ (๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฎ) is a Dutch crime thriller film directed by Paul Verhoeven, revolving around the concept of deceit, manipulation, and hidden motives. The story...
Hot news for Marvel fans! Hulk: World War Exciting news for fans of Hulk and the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Mark Ruffalo and Edward Norton, the...
Escape from Death Block 13 โ A High-Stakes Action Thriller You Must See! Escape from Death Block 13 (2021) is a thrilling action movie that...
Olympus Has Fallen (2013) is a high-stakes action thriller directed by Antoine Fuqua, marking the beginning of the Fallen franchise. Starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart,...
The Main Event (2020) is a fun-filled family movie that combines fantasy, comedy, and WWE action. Perfect for fans of wrestling and inspiring tales, this...
“Kembalikan Tubuhku” is an Indonesian psychological horror film that tells a creepy story revolving around obsession, revenge, and supernatural phenomena. The main content of the...
Thor faces a new threat when the Dark Elves, led by Malekith, seek to unleash a deadly weapon known as the Aether. After Jane Foster...
Thor, the powerful but arrogant Norse god, is banished from Asgard by his father, Odin, after recklessly reigniting an ancient conflict. Stripped of his powers...
The Uncanny Counter (2020โ2023) is a South Korean fantasy action series based on Jang Yi’s webtoon Amazing Rumor. Directed by Yoo Seon-dong and starring Jo...
Bruce Banner, a scientist on the run, hides in South America while searching for a cure to his condition, which transforms him into the Hulk...
Amanda Waller assembles Task Force X, a group of criminals with unique abilities, for a high-risk mission on the island nation of Corto Maltese. The...
Movie Name: The Twilight Saga 6: New Chapter Threat from the Volturi: Although Cullen overcame a great challenge with the Volturi in Breaking Dawn, this...
Safe (2012) is an action-packed movie directed by Boaz Yakin, starring Jason Statham as the lead character. The film tells the story of Luke Wright,...
The Marine 2 (2009) is the sequel to the action-packed film The Marine, drawing inspiration from classic action movies about lone heroes. Directed by Roel...
Pretty Woman (1990) is a romantic comedy directed by Garry Marshall, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in career-defining roles. The film tells the story...
Based on Larry McMurtry’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, Lonesome Dove is a sweeping Western miniseries that follows retired Texas Rangers Augustus “Gus” McCrae and Woodrow F....