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Donnie Darko (2001) is a psychological thriller and science fiction film directed by Richard Kelly. Set in 1988, it follows Donnie Darko, a troubled teenager...
Donnie Darko (2001) is a psychological thriller and science fiction film directed by Richard Kelly. Set in 1988, it follows Donnie Darko, a troubled teenager...
Narvik (2023) is a historical war film directed by Erik Skjoldbjaerg, focusing on the Battle of Narvik during World War II, a pivotal but often...
Avatar: The Way of Water – A New Journey Through Pandora’s World Avatar: The Way of Water is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2009...
Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021), also known as the “Snyder Cut,” is a reimagined and extended version of the 2017 Justice League film. Directed by...
Set in the picturesque English countryside, Midsomer Murders follows Detective Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby as he investigates a series of murders in the fictional county...
On Halloween night, two friends, Tara and Dawn, encounter Art the Clown, a menacing figure with a silent but sadistic demeanor. After following them to...
Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen is a 2010 Hong Kong action film directed by Andrew Lau, starring Donnie Yen, Shu Qi,...
Terrifier 2 is the sequel to the popular horror film Terrifier, with the content revolving around the return of Art the Clown, a brutal and...
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) serves as a prequel to the iconic Mad Max franchise, delving into the backstory of the fierce warrior Imperator...
White Christmas (1954) is a classic musical film that combines romance, comedy, and heartwarming moments with memorable music. Directed by Michael Curtiz, the movie stars...
Triple Threat (2019) is a high-intensity action film directed by Jesse V. Johnson. The movie follows a group of mercenaries and assassins who come together...
Flash Point (2007) is a Hong Kong action film directed by Wilson Yip and starring Donnie Yen, who also served as the film’s action choreographer....
Tiger Cage II (1990) is a Hong Kong action film directed by Yip Wing-cho, which is the second installment of the Tiger Cage series. This...
The teaser trailer for โEvil Dead 2: New Chapterโ dives back into the terrifying world of the Evil Dead franchise, promising a spine-chilling continuation of...
Iron Monkey (1993) is a Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Yuen Woo-ping, known for his work on iconic films such as The Matrix...
“Six,” stylized as SIX, is an American military drama television series that premiered on January 18, 2017, on the History Channel. Created to provide an...
Cannibal Boys lร mแปt bแป phim kinh dแป ฤรกng sแปฃ lแบฅy bแปi cแบฃnh tแบกi mแปt thแป trแบฅn xa xรดi, nฦกi mแปt nhรณm du khรกch khรดng...
Phแบงn thแปฉ tรกm cแปงa loแบกt phim A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy vs. Jason (2003), lร mแปt bแป phim kinh dแป hร nh ฤแปng kแบฟt hแปฃp...
Apocalypto 2, la esperadรญsima secuela de la epopeya de 2006 de Mel Gibson, promete llevar a los espectadores a otro emocionante viaje por el antiguo...
“Drunken Monkey” (2003) is a Hong Kong action film directed by Gordon Chan and starring Ekin Cheng. The movie is a blend of martial arts,...
The Division: Agent Origins (2016) lร mแปt bแป phim ngแบฏn hร nh ฤแปng trแปฑc tiแบฟp lแบฅy bแปi cแบฃnh trong vลฉ trแปฅ cแปงa trรฒ chฦกi ฤiแปn...
The Head Hunter (2018) is a dark fantasy horror film that follows a medieval warrior, referred to as “The Father,” who resides on the outskirts...
Black Wake (2018) is a science fiction horror film directed by Jeremiah Kipp, combining elements of Lovecraftian horror and psychological mystery. The story follows a...
Slaughter house on the Hill (2024) is a horror film that combines slasher tropes with nostalgic undertones. The story unfolds after a group of friends...
Powder (1995) is a thought-provoking supernatural drama film directed by Victor Salva, featuring a unique blend of fantasy and emotional depth. The film revolves around...
The Rain is a Danish post-apocalyptic sci-fi TV series that originally aired from 2018 to 2020. It was created by Jannik Tai Mosholt, Esben Toft...
Colombiana (2011) is an action-thriller film directed by Olivier Megaton and starring Zoe Saldana in the lead role. The film follows the story of Cataleya...
Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) is a film adaptation of the best-selling novel of the same name by Delia Owens. The movie, directed by Olivia...
The Bodyguard from Beijing (1994) is a Hong Kong action film starring Jet Li. Directed by Corey Yuen, it is known for its intense action...
Nosferatu (2024), directed by Robert Eggers, is a gothic horror tale reimagining the 1922 classic. The story follows Ellen Hutter (Lily-Rose Depp), a young woman...